UPDATE: VOTING HAS CLOSED. Only votes received up until 9am on 17 April will be counted.
With the FNB Varsity Shield and FNB Varsity Cup tournaments coming to an end it's time to decide who the #CheerleadersThatRock of 2023 will be! Throughout the season the cheerleading squads at participating universities brought the heat and entertained the crowds in-stadium and those watching at home.

This year we launched the first ever Cheerleaders That Rock challenge and you can help decide which squad is the best. Each squad was required to perform at their home games throughout the season and to officially enter the competition they recorded their best performance and submitted it to a judging panel and for public vote. Official judging will be conducted by the South Africa Majorettes and Cheerleading Association and Gymnastics South Africa. The public will also get to cast a vote which will count towards the final decision by the judges.
Below are the university cheerleading teams who submitted an official entry. Watch their entries and then vote in the poll for the squad you think should be the winner! Make sure to click 'See All Options' to view the full list.
Cheerleaders That Rock
The public can vote from Friday 14 April until Monday 17 April at 9am and the winners will be announced after the FNB Varsity Cup final on Monday 17 April.